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A Naturalle Ice Up



Ten years ago, Naturalle iceup began its history in the city of Fortaleza/CE, at the time in 2011 with only 10 flavors and using exclusive artisanal manufacturing techniques in order to enjoy the best of fruits, respecting above all the harvest and natural ripening of the Our main raw material, delivered to Ceará consumers a 100% natural and low-calorie product, without any coloring, flavoring or preservative. In a short time, we won the public's preference, becoming an outstanding reference for the unmistakable flavor of the fruit on a toothpick. From then on, we decided to ensure this conquered space by consolidating a Standard of Quality and Concept.


This consumer confidence signaled for the company the next challenges to be faced. We invest in food safety, professionalizing the team, improving processes and launching new flavors. We quickly responded to the market and we already had a mix of 16 flavors, including Coco Verde, the flavor with the least amount of calories in a fruit popsicle in the Brazilian market, only 37 Kcal.


Today we produce 22 popsicle flavors with a high concentration of fruit. We are a company with national reach through our distributors in several Brazilian capitals, we are part of the diet and dietary restrictions of many Brazilian consumers who recognize Naturalle iceup as a healthy product prescribed by several Nutritionists and we are still present in our daily lives. customers throughout the national retail chain such as; Supermarkets, Delicatessen, Bakeries, Conveniences, Schools, Colleges, Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Clubs, Natural Products Stores, Pharmacies...etc.


Naturalle Ice Up is one of the main ice cream brands in the country, focused on quality, innovation, sustainability and responsibility throughout its production chain. We are a product that stands out for the authenticity of the flavor, color and smell of the fruit, a remarkable sensory experience , healthy, tasty, refreshing and light!


Em caso de dúvida ou sugestão, por favor entre em contato através dos links abaixo. Para Delivery ou Ser um Vendedor, por favor, clique no link CONTATOS.
85 3045.4005
85 99727.4404
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Rua Marechal Napion, 371, Barra do Ceará - CEP: 60.332-690 - Fortaleza, CE - BRASIL
® Naturalle Ice Up | Todos os direitos reservados.
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